The problem with inner game CRAP and this "identity level change" shit is that it reincorce the fact that you are NOT enough and that you have to CHANGE yourselve, so ppl think "Ok Im not enough now, but If I keep watching fucking blueprint I might get an ephinaphy and change my identity".
Oh but wait, BP is designed to make you feel empty and fucked up, oh oh.
Damn I hate this inner game dogma. THe faggots att rsdnation probably get the least pussy in this whole community.
Agree with OP.
They tell you to "kill your ego".
Without an ego (a sense of self, a self-image) you're nothing.
No identity.
RSD steals people's souls.
"Deep identity level change" is one of the the most dangerous concepts IMO.
Change yourself and kill your ego (at the same time) = damage.
The key is to embrace your personality/identity, get to know yourself better and just "be yourself". Fuck the rest.
A strong sense of self = confidence and natural dominance. You do whatever the fuck you want to do and you talk to whoever the fuck you want to fuck.
This is the opposite of what RSD teaches.
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Its totally fucked up.
Loose your ego? YE RIGHT. Getting girls is atleast a part of an egoistic tought. These fucking wankers are totally out of their mind.
What RSD is trying to do is:
1. Dismiss all the old stuff, ever noticed how often Jeffy talks about "Ye guys who use the old school model gets a girl giggle while I fuck them" - Yet the idiot claims to have been fucking 100girls with the "old model".
2. Confuse the fuck out of ppl so they keep coming back for more.
How to get good at this game? Read some cool fun techniques to try out and go play with it, you dont need some fucking identitly level change - and IF you do, it will take place with experience, you will become more relaxed etc.
Fucking rsd crap, I hate them.
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I'd agree. OP did you read my ealier bit on identity I wrote today?
Read the book "identities and interactions".
RSD teach "Values" and "state", I'm not sure but I don't think identity is what they teach? I may be wrong.
I think identity is important. What do you do for a living, who are your friends, how do you compare yourself to other people, what music do you listen to, what brand of perfume do you use, what hair cut do you have, what brand of jeans do you wear, what does your friend do for a living, what food do you eat,
(I've bolded that as that's something you can change ASAP), do you smoke, where do you go out, where do you live?
These questions can last forever. Read that book I just cited.
Identity is important. And it's something you can change a lot at first and then change very slowly once you've done the easy bits. Bodybuilding science and diet and fashion affected my identity in a big way, as did language learning and musical tastes. These took literally two-three years to forge.
You can make quick identity changes though e.g.
- Change your friends,
- Do a structured course on something when you have a quick learning curve.
- Learn something on fashion. Read a good book off Amazon e.g. the one by the guy from Queer Eye.
- Get into a music scene.
I'd get that book and go from there.
Cass X
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By the way identity should be something about YOU, very specific to you. It should be you bringing not your
self out, but your most
self out.
You can use people from pop culture as examples though (e.g. Jimmy Hendrix, Marlon Brando etc).
Do a list of identity factors.
- music,
- clothes.
- etc - list is large of course.
"you are enough" (see if that works for a WOW'er)
"kill your ego"
"being in state"
"state don't mean shit"
"be present"
"I'm the coolest motherfucker in the whole world"
"self amuse" (this is the most faggotry ever)
"I'm surrounded by nimbus"
contridictions much?
feed the ego as much as you want I say...fuck tolle and his bullshit, without an ego we would still be living in caves and fuck RSD to
Sorry, you can never lose your ego, the verbiage is an inherent fallacy.
You can learn to deal with it and be humble; but rsd doesn't teach that...
Just be one of these: